Inspection, Control and Certification

Polarkonsult provides vessel inspections, crane certifications, and equipment checks to ensure compliance with maritime safety standards. As an approved company, we specialize in certifying vessels under 15 meters while offering crane and lifting equipment control for vessels of all sizes. Our services also include stability documentation and equipment inspections, ensuring reliable operations and regulatory compliance for clients in the maritime sector.

Image of an employee of Polarkonsult standing and leaning against a construction in an industrial area while the person looks to the right of the camera. The employee wears an orange work jacket and a white helmet, both of which have Polarkonsult's logo on them. In the background you can see some constructions, and another two employees from Polarkonsult. They are standing while having a conversation. The background is blurred.
  • Certification of vessels under 15 meters

  • Crane and lifting equipment control for all vessel sizes

  • Stability documentation and reports

  • Regular equipment checks and maintenance assessments

  • Compliance with maritime safety regulations

Book your appointment with us

Portrait picture of our employee Lars Øyvind Henningsen.

Lars Øyvind Henningsen

Project Engineer
+47 915 21 376
